Transitioning into the final stage of my PhD journey

  • 2024-08-08 09:46:10
  • 作者 Rijal

Studying at the School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy at National Taiwan University is the biggest opportunity in my life to improve my professional skills as a physical therapist. I started my PhD studies in the second semester of 2021 and completed them within 3.5 years under the supervision of Professor Huei-Ming Chai. She is one of the experts in Kinesiology at the School of Physical Therapy at National Taiwan University. Under her supervision, I obtained academic and clinical experiences to improve my capacities as a physical therapist. In academic performance, she supervised me in developing the idea of creating my research topic to have good critical thinking so I could have an excellent topic for my research dissertation.

She assisted me in developing the concept related to rounded shoulder posture evaluated using ultrasonography which is an important issue in contemporary society. I was familiar with neither the rounded shoulder posture nor ultrasonographic measurements at that time and I needed to learn these two issues at the same time. However, through her guidance, support, assistance, and advice, I develop two novelties in my dissertation, including the ultrasonographic evaluation and deep scapular stabilization application for asymptomatic individuals with rounded shoulder postures.

I learned a lot about ultrasonography in her laboratory based on my research topic. She taught me basic knowledge and how to apply ultrasonography as an evaluated tool in musculoskeletal conditions. I also had an opportunity to be her assistant in conducting an ultrasonography workshop in Yun-Lin conducted by the Yun-Lin Physical Therapists Society. Based on these experiences, I tried to socialize the ultrasonography competence to Indonesian physical therapists by conducting some seminars and guest lecturers related to my research topic at some universities in Indonesia. I also introduced ultrasonography competence to the Indonesian Physiotherapy Higher Education Association and the Indonesian Physical Therapy Association. Therefore, recently, ultrasonography competence has been legal for Indonesian physical therapists and is stated in the decree of The Indonesian Minister of Health (HK.01.07/ MENKES/1047/2024). It is a big step for Indonesian physical therapists.

In addition, she allows us to be her teaching assistant for some classes so that we can have a better experience in delivering our knowledge to the undergraduate students in the physical therapy department. As an assistant professor at Hasanuddin University, Indonesia, this is an ample opportunity for me to be her teaching assistant because I have obtained many experiences in delivering knowledge to stimulate students’ critical thinking and improve the dynamic environment in the class. Therefore, I may get some ideas on improving the physical therapy educational system in Indonesia, especially at Hasanuddin University.

Another opportunity that I obtained from her is to be her clinical assistant at the health care center of National Taiwan University and participate in some sports events in Taiwan. These activities allow me to improve my clinical skills in physical therapy management, especially in orthopedics and sports for physical therapy services. I also get different insights into distinguishing the various competencies of physical therapy in the clinical and field settings for sports injuries.

Through my experience at School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy in National Taiwan University, I am confident that I will become a proficient educator, researcher, and practitioner under her guidance. I vividly recall her impactful words that altered the course of my life: "To be honest, exerting significant efforts and practicing effective time management will foster your professional growth and lead you towards a more  prosperous career." This motivation helps me to obtain two achievements on my graduation, which are academic performance and professional service awards. Professor Chai is going to retire by the end of July this year. She enriches my career and I would give me the best wishes.

(The author is a PhD student of the School and Graduate Institute of Physical Therapy at National Taiwan Universiyt started from 2021. He is going to graduate this year.)