筆者在7月中在英國渡過了快兩個禮拜的美好時光,這次去英國的點頗多,主要大約有:奇切斯特 (Chichester)、倫敦、劍橋、愛丁堡、湖區、約克等地,說真的,在倫敦及劍橋等地的天氣不算甚好,不過並無損筆者對劍橋的印象。

過了三一學院沒多久就是聖約翰學院,進入學院逛一陣子後就會見到十分有名的~~~唉~~~~唉~~~~~~ 嘆息橋 (Bridge of Sighs),從鐵閘出來那條廚房橋 (Wren Bridge, 應該沒認錯吧) 上看嘆息橋及新院 (New Court) 的角度十分好,也可以見到很多人在康河上玩撐篙 (Punting)。




New Court's central cupola has four blank clock-faces. These are subject to various apocryphal explanations. One legend maintains that a statute limiting the number of chiming clocks in Cambridge rendered the addition of a mechanism illegal. No such limitation is known to exist. More likely explanations include Hutchinson's fear that the installation of a clockface would spoil the building's symmetry, and that the college's financial situation in the early nineteenth century made completion impossible.
Other legends explaining the absence of clockfaces claim that St John's College and its neighbour, Trinity College, were engaged in a race to build the final (or tallest) clocktower in Cambridge. Supposedly, whichever was finished first (or was tallest) would be permitted to house the 'final' chiming clock in Cambridge. Trinity's Tower was finished first (or, in another version of the same story, was made taller overnight by the addition of a wooden cupola), and its clock was allowed to remain.
In truth, the completion of New Court and Trinity's Clock (which is in King Edward's Tower) was separated by nearly two centuries. Trinity's famous double-striking was installed in the seventeenth century by its then-Master, Richard Bentley, a former student of St John's, who dictated that the clock chime once for Trinity, and once for his alma mater, St John's.