
今年年初時,我接到中華奧會的電話,要去代表我國參加國際奧會世界運動傷病預防會議(International Olympic Committee World Conference — Prevention of Injury & Illness),當時看了一下行事曆,時間安排還OK,所以很開心的答應了。沒想到這個會議是如此的精彩,除了瞭解國際趨勢的新之外,處處可見主辦單位的用心。非常感謝中華奧會給我這個機會,到摩納哥學習;更謝謝奧會同仁沈秘書長、馥淇、政豪的協助,我一路順利,收穫滿滿。雖然來了摩納哥4天,只有1.5小時可以做觀光客該做的事,但這是我歷年來收穫最多的學術會議。 所以我想了一下,在這裡先跟大家報告該會議的主辦單位用心部分,是整個會議精彩的地方,讓與會者都不願意錯過一場演講。未來有機會,我再報告該會議所提到的新知。
keynote 1: Willen Van Mechelen (The Netherland): 25 years after: the sequence of prevention revisited
keynote 2: Roald Bahr (Norway/ Qatar): Why screening to predict injury does not work - and probably never will.....
keynote 3: Cindy J Chang (USA): Translating research into action: How to minimize risk in Olympic atheletes?
keynote 4: Tim Gabbett (Australia): Monitoring training load in team sports: should athletes be training smarter and harder? The training-injury prevention paradox
keynote 5: Jonathan Drezner (USA): Preventing sudden cardiac death: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
